We do not get many patients with Parkinson's disease in our orthopedic clinic. However, two weeks ago, a patient with Parkinson's came to our clinic for treatment of his knee pain. I noticed a familiar scent, one I have encountered way too many times throughout my career as a physical therapist and a nurse aide. Before becoming a physical therapist, I worked as a nurse aide at a local nursing home where I cared for many patients with Parkinson's disease.
Smell, of course, is very subjective. The best way I can describe it is that it smells like bleach, almost like someone who just got out of a pool, but not exactly. It is not a bad smell, just very unique. I sent a text to a colleague of mine and he showed me an interesting article that supports what I thought: https://www.apdaparkinson.org/the-smell-of-parkinsons-disease/
A continuing education course in 2021 conducted by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association (OPTA) showed that dry needling can help patients with Parkinson's disease by decreasing tremors, reducing pain, and improving dexterity. Dry needling can benefit patients beyond just orthopedic conditions. If you know someone who has Parkinson's disease and is struggling with symptoms, including but not limited to tremors, slow movements, muscle stiffness, and difficulty walking
or a shuffling gait, consider giving us a try. It is an additional way to improve their quality of life.
Book a free, no-obligation consultation!